Classroom Rules

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Show up 5 minutes before the class starts ! If you`re late or miss the class, please tell your teacher about it at least 24 hours in advance.

Raise your hand before speaking and do not interrupt others.

Keep your camera turned on and your mic turned off during class unless you`re told otherwise.

Always check your stuff before class - pencil, eraser, printed worksheets, notebook, water, tissues -

Make sure you open Jamboard, Googledocs, PDFs or any resources your teacher may send you for the class.

Class Calendar

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9:00 - 10:30

German for Ladies A2

10:45 - 12:15

A2 German 12-14years

IMPORTANT !! All times are Berlin Time Zone

Meet the Teacher

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Doina is a highly accomplished and talented teacher with a passion for languages. With a dual specialization Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures /English-Japanese, she has demonstrated her proficiency in multiple languages by achieving good scores at proficiency tests , such as a C1 in CAE and 940 points at TOEIC. She also holds a C1 Certificate after completing a DaF Programme at a German university. With more than 13 years of experience teaching English and German to students of all ages and levels, she has refined her skills and developed a unique and effective teaching style that has helped countless students achieve their goals.

